Starting Your Morning Right… An interview with founder of QuarterTwo Sherry Ng.

Sherry Ng
3 min readNov 2, 2020

Sherry discusses the story behind QuarterTwo and the journey of her love for Breakfast!

As a kid I would always opt for the sugary breakfast cereals that had a questionable amount of “wheat” and “fiber” slapped on the front of the box to help children market the cereal to their parents. I vividly remember reaching for the brightly coloured boxes pleading,

“Look mum it’s healthy see, multigrain!”

It wasn't until my late teenage years when I started taking my health and diet into consideration. I didn't really have know what a balanced diet looked like but I thought I was on the right track with a banana and a sad bowl of Kellogs All-bran. After a couple of weeks of days, I got bored of this restrictive breakfast diet and wanted to enjoy my breakfast again. I wanted the excitement of waking up for breakfast back without having to compromise on health and nutrition.

It’s so important to be putting good fuel into our body in the morning. While the sugary cereals and spreads might feel good immediately, they’re not going to last you throughout the day. A balanced breakfast involving wholegrains, protein, fat and of course fruit and vegetables is a big step in the right direction. These four food groups provide complex carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, natural sugars and a small amount of fat and while this will look different to everyone, a balanced combination of the four will help you get the nutrition you need to start your morning right!

QuarterTwo started when I realised that the favourite way to start my day was by making smoothie bowls in the morning. I found it to be a creative outlet, and encouraged me to be mindful about the things I was putting in my body. There was something about the process of cutting fruit and arranging it all in my bowl was very calming.

I quickly fell in love with the art of making extravagant breakfasts and began making them for friends and family using local produce and products. Although they were delicious, the convenience of them was always questionable,

“I wish I could have this everyday but I have no time in the morning”

That’s when the idea behind QuarterTwo was sparked! I wanted to open a breakfast bar that sold quick, healthy, aesthetically pleasing and of course yummy to go breakfast options. It was important to capture my love for locally sourced ingredients and the art of food but still make it accessible to busy individuals who would not otherwise have the time in the morning to make and enjoy their breakfast!

Whether you’re rolling out of bed for another early morning start or waking up refreshed ready to take on the day, a balanced breakfast is the key to starting off your day!

